Health, Safety & Wellbeing
The Health, Safety and Wellbeing of our employees is extremely important to us. We are committed to keeping people healthy, motivated and engaged at work. We truly believe that a healthy workplace has a positive impact on the personal wellbeing of our employees, their safety and their productivity.
We aim to ensure that no one suffers any harm to their health whilst at work.
Safety Matters
Work Well - Live Well

Our commitment to ensuring everyone has a right to go home safe is integrated into our business strategy and we will ensure that our customers, supply chain, employees and the public all benefit from our commitment.
Our ‘Work Well – Live Well’ strategy has been developed to promote safety through these five key steps:
- Total Company Engagement
- Cultural Change
- Leadership/coaching at all employee levels
- Consistent delivery and reinforcing values
- Continuously improving our work environment
The ‘Work Well – Live Well’ vision is supported by’:
- A comprehensive and fully developed management system in accordance with BS EN ISO45001
- A commitment to fully trained employees at all levels
- Easy access to health and advice information for all employees
- Regular inspections and audits of the companies’ premises and operational project sites by our SHEQ and Senior Management teams
CARE Cards
Promoting Health & Safety Awareness at Work
Very often our site staff can be in the best place to witness potential dangers in the workplace, or to recognise how things could be improved, just by changing something small. Equally, seeing something done really well is worth shouting about, as adopting that idea across other sites can only improve all our lives.
That’s why we have WJ CARE Cards – our suggestion initiative whereby staff can highlight potential hazards based on real-life experience and make recommendations for improvements. It’s our Committed Aim to Raise Expectations of both staff and clients.