At WJ we are all part of a big closely-knit family, and recently enjoyed our first ever staff holiday with a ski-trip to Northern Italy.
Eleven of our staff from our UK and Middle East offices, comprising 8 skiers and 3 snowboarders, visited the well-known resort of Madonna Di Campiglio in Northern Italy.

The resort caters for all abilities and soon the group split into three skill levels, one group of cross-country skiers, and two groups hitting the slopes on their skis and snowboards. In the evenings everyone came back together to enjoy the local cuisine.
After three days on the snow we held our own small awards ceremony to celebrate the trip, with Project Engineer Harry Lee picking up our award for Skier/Snowboarder of 2022 having covered over 180km in just three days – and claimed he would have gone even further if he hadn’t been held back on the first day! Other awards were given for the fastest speed achieved (given to our Project Manager Geoff Zimmel), most improved skier/snowboarder, best wipe-outs and a host of other categories!

As well as a few days of skiing we also took the opportunity to visit the factory of Italian drilling rig manufacturers Comacchio, who have supplied a number of rigs that WJ use across our global operations.

The ski-trip itself was a massive success and, fortunately, everyone made it back in one piece (aside from a few bruises!) and are already looking forward to the 2023 trip!
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