Much of sub-Saharan Africa is considered to be in “economic water scarcity”, where water infrastructure is either poor or mismanaged despite sufficient water sources being present. One way to help manage this issue and provide long term water security to nations is through the construction of high-quality water wells and boreholes. In response to this, WJ, alongside Cranfield University, the British Drilling Association, and RedR UK, as well as a number of other industry partners, combined to provide the “Developing Groundwater” course during October 2022.
The course, now in its 25th year, was organised by RedR UK, Groundwater Relief and Cranfield University and the British Drilling Association; with plant, equipment and expertise provided by WJ, Peter Dumble Hydrogeology, Richard Carter and Associates Ltd, Dando, Palintest, In-Situ, Geomatrix, and Boode.

The course, aimed at development and humanitarian workers and students, involved in groundwater development and humanitarian response programmes, this year included participants from Medecins sans Frontiers, Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, and Container Based Sanitation Alliance, undertaking work in countries such as Zambia, Uganda, Mali and South Sudan, and combined classroom sessions on topics such as water well design with on-site practical demonstrations that included drilling and well installation by WJ’s experienced drilling team, as well as groundwater quality sampling and testing and geophysics provided by WJ’s industry colleagues.

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